- Refund Policy: You may return any unopened/undamaged bottles to Spencer Hill Wines for a full or partial refund anytime within 10 days of purchase.
- Privacy Policy: We respect your privacy. The information collected will not be sold to anyone and will be used only for the purpose of fulfilling your order.
- Cancellation Policy: If you decide to cancel your order before your order is received we will refund your purchase.
- Persons ordering wine must comply with relevant national liquor laws.
- Wine is only supplied to persons over 18 years of age.
- Online orders will only be accepted for delivery to a New Zealand address
- All prices are inclusive of New Zealand GST.
- All prices are in New Zealand Dollars ($NZ)
- We offer FREE Freight on all wine orders of six bottles or more (within NZ ONLY)
- Minimum order is 6 bottles. Mixed bottle orders are allowed.
- Orders must be in multiples of SIX due to shipping.
- When the order is received you will be sent a confirmation of your order as soon as is possible.
- Delivery can be expected within four working days of receipt of the order.
- Payments can be made by credit card (VISA, MasterCard or Bankcard).
- The reference name that will appear on your statement will be Spencer Hill Estate